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Business Growth

We support businesses to achieve their business potential. We work with our clients to build a picture of their ambitions and then help create a structured approach to achieve these goals. We believe that knowing where you want to be is key to getting there, and offer a range of packages to suit the needs of each business we work with.


Funding Opportunities

We can guide our clients through the complex and diverse funding landscape in Scotland and help identify the best funding routes for your business. We can then help write and submit the funding applications, providing guidance and support through the whole process. We can also help with grant and funding claims once these have been awarded.



We take our clients through a comprehensive strategy process, creating an approach which is understandable, appropriate to each client and implementable to achieve growth.

We have a range of strategy workshops, training, consulting and mentoring sessions to help you and we work with you to find a solution that fits you and your business.


Business Planning

We work closely with our clients to create a Business Plan or a Business Model Canvas which outlines where you want to go and how you will get there. Our wider approach to business planning enables our clients to create an Action Plan and set goals to make your ambitions achievable.


Business Development

Having worked in the Business Support Ecosystem in Scotland for almost 20 years, I am very well networked and can make introductions to a range of other businesses, support organisations and stakeholders. I can also guide and advise on the best ways to develop the business through marketing and networking approaches. I have a strong network of partners who can work with you on the development of your business alongside us.


impact coaching & Accountability

We offer our clients mentoring and impact coaching, to support in identifying areas for growth and development within the business and be a sounding board for ideas and product and business development.

Our monthly sessions also work on accountability and helping you to ensure you are implementing the Action to allow your business to reach its potential. Getting things done is a top priority.



A range of training and workshops are on offer covering a wide variety of areas. These can be discussed on an individual basis and we can bring in partner organisations to meet the needs of our clients.

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